Gestures in the media
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Now sports magazine
In 2013, I enjoyed analyzing an athlete on a monthly basis in collaboration with the Nusport magazine in the section: "dissected". Below you will find an overview of the published magazines.
"Peggy is one of our regulars in section in which we ask people from outside the sport to characterize an athlete from their field.
As a physicist, she knows how to characterize the athlete in a correct and sometimes surprising way."
~NUsport magazine~
Eindhoven daily newspaper 2014
social media
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
(Read the article here)
Geography at BNN
Gelaatskunde in regional weekly "De Loop" 2015
Massage Magazine November 2015
Gestures in Paravision November 2016
Facials in beauty specialist magazine November 2016