"In the forms the spirit lives"
Gesture science: practical human knowledge.....
This website will be about the art, the forms and added value of face reading. Also called facial science or psychognomy.
Gestures are part of practical human knowledge, this is the analysis of a whole body on the basis of external characteristics.
With physiology you look specifically at the shapes of oa your eyes, ears, wrinkles and eyebrows, because these shapes say something about your inner being; your character.
What is facial science?
Facial diagnosis has been around in China for centuries. There it was used by the doctors, because at the time it was very inappropriate to examine a person by touch. Your face is like a dashboard and organs are visible in the so-called reflex zones on the face. For example, the lips say something about your gut and the chin is connected to your lower back.
Where your face discolors or shows irregularities, there is something in the body that is not going well. Your face shows a lot and often long before you actually experience any complaints.
Faces are as legible as books, only they are read in much less time! (Lavater)
Every person is born with an aptitude (character) and the corresponding talents. Only one third of this is determined by the genes you inherit from your ancestors. Another part is the result of environmental influences (eg parents/carers/school) mainly in childhood. The environment thus has a major impact on the development of an individual.
You are your face! Your face is your identity because you express yourself with your face. So when you change inside, your face also changes. It is an external projection of your inner physical and emotional experience.
The meaning of wrinkles
Wrinkles are caused by, among other things, repeating facial expressions and certain expressions. The more times this expression is repeated, the more pronounced the wrinkle will become. In addition, skin type, lifestyle and genetic predisposition also play a role.
When you are unhappy or have known a hard or unhealthy life, we do not say that you are scarred for life for nothing. This applies in the literal as well as in the figurative sense. That is exactly what physiology claims: that which lives within is visible from the outside.
Fortunately, wrinkles do not only have a negative charge in facial science. If you smile a lot, for example, you also get them around your eyes. These so-called sunbeams often look funny and pleasant-looking. People with that kind of crow's feet are therefore referred to as positive and attractive to the outside world.
Why facial science?
Why would you want to know more about physiology? A very good reason can be to get to know yourself. It can tell you why you keep running into the same (inner) conflicts. Another great reason is to be able to understand and support your partner and/or children even better. In the business world, facial studies are also a wonderful opportunity to screen someone for desired competencies in a relatively quick way.
By looking at a person in the respectful way of facial science, you can see at a glance what his or her talents and pitfalls are. Gestures can be learned by everyone and very widely applicable, without putting anyone in a box!
Gesture science is applicable to:
- Inner conflicts
- Relationship issues
- Parenting Questions
- Personnel selection
- Study choice advice
- Team Building